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HOA Board Meeting

Villages of Longmeadow HOA Board Mtng. @ Clubhouse (& Zoom) Longmeadow HOA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Longmeadow HOA's Zoom Board Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Join...

Neighborhood Clean-Up

Neighborhood Clean-Up Volunteers for the Villages of Longmeadow Neighborhood clean-up day will meet at the pavilion at 9AM, then leave in small groups to pick up litter in parts of...

HOA Board Meeting

Villages of Longmeadow HOA Board Mtng. @ Clubhouse (& Zoom) Longmeadow HOA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Longmeadow HOA's Zoom Board Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Join...

Community Yard Sale

All residents are invited to participate in our annual spring community yard sale by selling items in their yards or driveways.

Dumpster Day at the Clubhouse

Just in time to get to get rid of that stuff you couldn't sell at the yard sale and you can't even give away.  PLEASE tell your neighbors of this...

HOA Board Meeting

Villages of Longmeadow HOA Board Mtng. @ Clubhouse (& Zoom) Longmeadow HOA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Longmeadow HOA's Zoom Board Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Join...