Come meet your neighbors at this family event, as well as Chesterfield County Police, Fire and Emergency Officials, our Schools' Staff, and learn how we can work as partners to help keep our neighborhood safe. We plan on having McGruff the Crime Dog or Sparky the Fire Dog. There are activities planned for the kids...
Volunteers for the Villages of Longmeadow Neighborhood clean-up day will meet at the pavilion at 9AM, then leave in small groups to pick up litter in parts of the neighborhood such as clubhouse grounds/pavilion/playground, walking path, Longmeadow Blvd, etc.. Trash bags, gloves and trash pickers will be provided. This is a great opportunity to meet...
Villages of Longmeadow HOA Board Mtng. @ Clubhouse (& Zoom) Longmeadow HOA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Longmeadow HOA's Zoom Board Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 832 4742 6566 Passcode: 095363 One tap mobile +16469313860,,83247426566#,,,,*095363# US +19292056099,,83247426566#,,,,*095363# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 646...